Do Not Forget To Announce Your Website Redesign

Did you know that nearly 60% of small businesses don’t announce their website redesigns? That’s a lot of missed opportunities!

Your website is often the first impression potential customers have of your business. So why not give it a fresh look and let everyone know? A website redesign is an excellent way to show off your new products, services, or updated content.

Plus, announcing your redesign can do wonders for your SEO. Just let everyone know about your new site so they can take advantage of all the great things it offers!

Why You Should Announce Your Website Redesign

A website redesign is a big deal. Your website is often the first impression you make on a potential customer, so you want to be sure that your new site is an improvement on your old one.

You should announce your website redesign to your customers and other interested parties for several reasons. First, it will generate excitement and anticipation for the new site. Second, it will help ensure that everyone knows about the change and can give you feedback on the new design. Finally, announcing your redesign will help you get the word out about any new features or changes to your site.

If you’re planning a website redesign, announce it to your customers and other interested parties. Doing so will help ensure that everyone is aware of the change and can give you feedback on the new design.

How to Announce Your Website Redesign

It can be fascinating to launch a new website. All the hard work that went into the redesign, development, and launch will finally pay off, and you can show the world your shiny new site. But wait! Don’t forget one important thing before you hit that publish button – announce your website redesign!

A well-executed website redesign announcement can help reduce adverse user reactions, build buzz and traffic, and ultimately lead to a successful launch. Here are a few tips on how to announce your website redesign:

  1. Give advance notice
    Don’t just spring the news on your users out of nowhere. Give them a heads-up about a redesign and when they can expect it. This will help manage their expectations and give them time to adjust to the change. You can announce it in an email newsletter, on social media, or even directly on your current website.
  2. Explain what’s changing
    Let people know what they can expect from the new site. Will there be new features? A different look and feel? Better performance? Be sure to highlight the positive changes, so people are excited about the update.
  3. Share why you’re making the change.
    Is there a specific reason for the redesign? Maybe you’re trying to appeal to a different audience or improve user experience. Share the reason with your users, so they understand the motivation behind the change.
  4. Offer support resources
    If you’re worried about people having trouble adjusting to the new site, offer some support resources like FAQs, tutorials, or even live customer support chat during launch week. This will help ease frustration and ensure people can find what they need on your new site.

When to Announce Your Website Redesign

After all the excitement of a website redesign has worn off and you’re finally ready to unveil your new look, it can be tempting to flip the switch and let everyone know via social media or a blog post. But there are a few things you should do first to ensure a smooth transition for both your old and new visitors.

  1. Make sure all your content is migrated.
    This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s essential to check and double-check that everything from your old site (text, images, videos, etc.) has made its way to the new one. The last thing you want is for someone to land on your new site only to find that half the information is missing.
  2. Update your links
    If you’ve changed your URL structure as part of the redesign, update any links that point to your old site. This includes inbound links from other websites and any links within your site that pointed to pages that have now been deleted or moved.
  3. Set up redirects
    In addition to updating your links, you’ll also want to set up redirects from your old URLs to your new ones. That way, anyone visiting an old URL will automatically be redirected to the corresponding page on your new site. This is especially important if you’ve changed your URL structure, as it will help prevent 404 errors (pages not found).
  4. Test, test, test!
    Before you go live with your redesigned website, it’s crucial that you put it through its paces with some rigorous testing. This includes checking all forms and links to ensure they’re working correctly, testing all page layouts in different browsers and devices, and running spelling and grammar checks on all your content. If possible, it’s also a good idea to get some beta testers who can give you feedback on any areas that need improvement before you launch the site for real.

What to Include in Your Announcement

A website redesign is a big deal. It’s an undertaking that can take weeks or even months, and it’s something that will be visible to everyone who visits your site. So, when launching your new site, you must let your visitors know what’s happening.

A blog post or a dedicated landing page is the best way to announce your website redesign. Start by telling people why you’re making the change. Are you updating your design to be more responsive? Are you adding new features? Let people know what they can expect from the new site.

Next, give people a timeline for the transition. When will the new site go live? Will there be any downtime? How long will the transition take? Make sure people know what to expect and when.

Finally, provide a way for people to give feedback. Ask people to submit suggestions and feedback through a form on your site or social media using a specific hashtag. Let people know that their input is welcome and appreciated.

Announcing your website redesign is an important step in the process. By doing it right, you can ensure that your transition is smooth and that your visitors are informed about what’s happening.

Tips for Making a Successful Announcement

You have undoubtedly put a lot of time, effort, and maybe even money into your website redesign. A website redesign announcement is essential to driving traffic to your new site and ensuring a successful launch.

Here are a few tips for making a triumphant announcement:

  1. Make a list of all the places your current website is listed online, including directories, listings, etc. You will need to update each list with your new website address.
  2. Notify any partners or affiliates that you have a new website. They may need to update links or other information on their websites or marketing materials.
  3. Write a press release and send it out to local media outlets and online press release distribution services.
  4. Use social media to generate excitement about your new website – post sneak peeks, share progress updates, and make the big reveal! Be sure to include a link to your new site in all of your posts.
  5. Send out an email blast to your customers or client base announcing the launch of your redesigned website. Include a link so they can check it out right away.

Examples of Great Announcements

It’s important to remember that your website redesign is not only a technical project but also a marketing one. Like any other product launch, you need to announce your new website and get people excited about it.

The most important part of your announcement is the headline. This will determine whether or not people even click on your announcement. Make it catchy, exciting, and relevant to your audience.

In addition to a great headline, your announcement should also include the following:

  • A brief description of what’s new and improved on your website
  • An image or video that demonstrates the new design
  • A call-to-action for people to explore the new website

How Not to Announce Your Website Redesign

A well-thought-out announcement will ensure that your users are prepared for the changes, minimize disruption to their experience, and even get them excited about the new site. Here are a few tips on how to make your announcement as effective as possible.

  1. Keep it brief
    Your announcement doesn’t need to be a novel—just a few sentences will do. Highlight the most crucial information (when the redesign will happen, what will be different, etc.), and leave out any details that aren’t essential.
  2. Be clear about what will change—and what won’t
    Will the URL be different? Will users need to create new accounts? What about their existing data—will it be migrated over? Will there be any changes to features or functionality? Answering these questions upfront will help prevent confusion or frustration when users visit the new site.
  3. Highlight the benefits
    Your users may not be as excited about the redesign as you are, so it’s essential to highlight why the change is being made and what benefits they can expect from it. Will the site be faster? Easier to use? More mobile-friendly? Make sure your messaging focuses on how the redesign will improve their experience.
  4. Provide a timeline—and stick to it
    Users need to know when the changes will happen to plan accordingly. If possible, provide a specific date (e.g., “the new site will launch on October 1st”). And while things don’t always go according to plan, try to avoid making any last-minute changes to the timeline—it will only confuse and frustrate your users.

Examples of Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why are you redesigning the website?
    We’re redesigning the website to provide a more seamless user experience. We want to make it easier for people to find what they’re looking for and get the most out of our site.
  2. When will the redesign be taking place?
    The launch date for the redesigned website is TBD. We’ll announce the date as soon as it’s finalized.
  3. What changes can I expect?
    The redesign will include a new look and feel and updates to the navigation and content. We’ll also add new features, such as a search function and an events calendar.
  4. Will I need to do anything differently when I use the redesigned website?
    No, you won’t need to do anything differently when using the redesigned website. The goal is to make it easier and more intuitive, so you shouldn’t have trouble navigating around or finding what you’re looking for.
  5. Do you have any tips on how I can prepare for the redesign?
    Here are a few things you can do to prepare for the redesign:
     Familiarize yourself with the current website so that you know what’s being changed – Stay up-to-date on announcements about the redesign by following us on social media or signing up for our newsletter – Make sure your contact information is up-to-date so that we can reach you with any important updates – And lastly, if there’s something you think we should know about your experience with the current website or ideas for improvement, please let us know!


Your website is the face of your business. It’s how your customers and clients judge you and how they decide whether or not to do business with you. So, when you’re ready to redesign your website, it’s important to announce the change to your audience.

Remember, your website reflects your brand, so take the time to make sure it’s saying exactly what you want it to say. A well-designed website can be a powerful marketing tool that will help you attract new customers and grow your business. Mintun Media designs and builds websites for the future. The web is ever-growing and evolving, so you need to partner with a development company that understands how to represent your brand. So that your business and website can keep up and stay relevant today and into the future. Feel free to set up 30 min consultation with the best Web Development Company in Portland.